Name and location
“Cut and Cover Tunnel for accessing the Cavorques Tunnel in the municipality of Bàscara (Girona).
High Speed Line Madrid-Zaragoza-Barcelona-French Border. Stretch: Vilademuls-Pontós.
Key features
South face length: 117m
Length North face length: 36m
Use: High Speed Railway
Materials: Reinforced concrete.
Construction: by formwork carriage.
Railway Infrastructure Administrator, ADIF, Spain.
BT Intervention
Construction Project for UTE VILADEMULS, Technical assistance and Engineering construction works.
General information
The False Tunnel runs in a curve alignment in plan, with a constant radius equal to R = 6000m, with straight slope slope equal to i = 0.57%, descending in the forward direction of the PK.
It is a cross-section in the construction of a foundation, with a variable variable and a function of the maximum landfill. Three sections are defined:
– Emboquille in peak of flute, with open cross section.
– Section I, with land fillings of less than 9.0 m above the key of the vault.
– Section II, with fillings of between 9 and 13.0 on the key of the vault.
The interior geometry of the False Tunnel, with the inside of radius R = 6.26m from a point to 1.83m on the collection of the liner axis on the False Tunnel axis.
The False Tunnel will be executed by modules, whose length will be defined in the UTE Vilademuls Pontós according to the procedures and the means destined to the execution. The joint between the attached modules is realized through a joint with keys of cutter capable of compatibilizar the small differential movements of the structure of the nonuniform seats caused by the own heterogeneity of the ground of the foundation and the filling.
It should be noted that the area in which the viaduct is located is of seismic activity, as this accidental action does not condition the design of the structure.