IMO Bulding

Name and location
Micro-ocular surgery Institute building (IMO), Barcelona, Spain

Key features
Number of storeys: 7

Instituto de Microbiología Ocular (IMO).

Pai constructions

BT Intervention
Constructive project

General information
Construction pictures

General information

The Building for the Micro-Ocular surgery Institute IMO is placed in Barcelona. It has a total surface of 17.000m2, distributed in 7 storeys: 2 storeys of parking, 1 storey for operation rooms, one for medical consultants, one for administration, one for a library and one for a balcony viewpoint.

Its main characteristic are two covers to for accessing the building from the street. The cover are formed by the intersection of several inclined planes.

The architecture was carried out by the Josep Llinàs Carmona team

Construction pictures