Access viaducts OF3.2A and OF4.1 to the main viaduct LANE BUS-HOV

Name and location
Access viaducts OF3.2A and OF4.1 to the main viaduct LANE BUS-HOV (Barcelona)

Key features
3.2A Viaduct: Portal Frame of 117.77 meters total length. Spans 12.90m + 5×18.25m + 12.90m.
Viaduct 4.1: Portal Frame of total length 81.02m. Spans 12.775m + 3×18.25m + 12.775m
Average Height: 12m
Use: Road
Materials: Composite concrete-steel piers and composite steel-concrete deck
Construction: Erection of steel beams and pouring “in situ” concrete compression slab.

TABASA Infraestructures i Serveis de Mobilitat SA.


BT Intervention
Independent Checking of the Construction Project for Project Management Payma + CICSA. Construction project developed by CICSA.

General information
Construction pictures

General information

The 3.2A Viaduct is a portal frame of 117.77 meters length, with 7 spans of :12.90 + 5×18.25+12.90 mbetweenpier axis. The viaduct 4.1 has the same scheme, but It hasonly 81.02m of length and 5 spans of + 12.775 +3×18.25 + 12.775m
The longitudinal static scheme is a continuous deck fixed at all intermediate piersand supported on neoprene bearings at the abutments

The cross section is aconcrete and steelcomposite, formed by tworeinforced steel beams of 610 mm heightand a compression concrete slab of transversely varying thickness between 0.20 and 0.55meters. The slab is designed to be concreted in situ by collaborating on thin precast concrete slabs. During execution the steel structure bears the weight of fresh concretewithout the need of temporary shoring

This construction project has been developed entirely by CICSA.


Access viaducts OF3.2A and OF4.1 to the main viaduct LANE BUS-HOV 1

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Access viaducts OF3.2A and OF4.1 to the main viaduct LANE BUS-HOV 2

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Construction pictures